Friday, December 18, 2009


Took one picture and walked a half hour shopping, so trying!
"Life is not about the end of the story, where we put down the book with a satisfied way.........or not!"
It's about all the chapters in between, that make your heart race, bring a smile and make you cry as you work your way deliciously, exhausted to the end where you get to say............That was a good story!"
I do hope at the end of my life, I go can quietly and peacefully at the appropriate time and say about my life "I have left a good story for my family to remember me by." She was the best of the best, is what I hope I have earned for my head stone. Everyone's life has a story to be written about, but some are not worth the trouble. So far I am satisfied with where I came from and where I am today, on this beautiful Holiday Season...........

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