Monday, December 28, 2009

Enjoy Life

A thought never leaves my mind anymore............"Enjoy life now! It has an experation date. I have another birthday looming in the New Year that is upon us, and I want to simplify my life and enjoy every minute of my time left on earth. How can I do this? Well, to start with I will try and schedule daily downtime. Shut the door on distractions, get in touch with my real self, to tune into my real desires and passions. (To create things). Focus on what I really feel worthwhile. Make a list of my five top priorities for 2010. Give each one some of my quality time. IDo Need to shed "stuff" in my house. My closets etc. are over flowing with "THINGS". Some things are ok, but almost 78 years of things have gotten to be "ALOT"........I am slowing down physically because of age, but I need to slow down and quit hurrying to get it all done. I will eat slowly, drive slowly, breath slowly, walk slowly. Pay full attention to family, friends, hobbys, my dog, God and surround myself with others who enjoy life's simpliest pleasures also. I will "gather up friends with whom I can share the scenic road to simplification." In Thoreau's words, I will begin to "live deliberately" enjoying every morsel of time.

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