Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Eve One Week from Today

Soon I won't be counting the days, but the minutes until Christmas is upon us. I am almost ready, just keep thinking of something else that needs to be done. Haven't turned on the outside lights or cleaned the house for Tiff's party Saturday. Had a condo meeting tonight............Bev and I came home a little disgruntled over the Christmas bonuses that just keep going up! O well. Karrie and Rich are both sick today so I took Kentucky fried chicken over to the kids for dinner. tiff is feeling better. OK, how many pictures did I take today? None and I am afraid I will have to put that new passion on hold for a week while I get through Christmas. I did walk a few miles hunting some last minute bargains.
"A memoir is when you put down the good things you ought to have done and leave out the bad ones you did do." Will Rogers

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