Monday, December 21, 2009

Almost Done.........

Karrie came by to pick up a Christmas gift I had got for one of her kids. I went across town dropped off my cousins Christmas, spent a nice hour visiting with Lucille and Gene. Wentto Costco picked up a few things for Christmas dinner , then on to Smith's to finish up my shopping. Home to finish the favors for the table and get the neighbors gifts ready, then Mike and Cade came by to pick up some of Sherrie's books to give to friends for Christmas. Tiff had a family thing with Scott's family so will be late getting home. Did I take any pictures or walk today? No pictures, but plenty of walking. I am so proud that I have blogged every day so far.
My thought for the day: I pray every day for Obama. Psalm 109:8 "Let his days be few: and may another take his office." You think I'm kidding!

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