Friday, September 11, 2009


I just read a story that I cannot get out of my mind.............."Two cans of corn", on how to start a food storage program, that would benefit anyone. The author made it clear that no matter who you are bad things can happen in your life. If you get sick or lose your job, a earth quake, flood or fire , so many bad things are happening to so many good people. If they would just realize each time they go shopping to check the sales and buy two extra cans of corn,or beans or peas and stick them away in food storage, that soon they would have a nice food storage. So your neighbor or brother's house is the one destroyed, you would have extra for a pot of soup and a meal to help someone else..............or it could be their pot of soup that helped your family in time of need. "Two Cans of Corn," says so much to me, I went right out and bought two cans of corn and put down stairs on a shelf in my laundry room, and each week I will buy a couple of things that are on sale to add to my food and water supply. Only a couple of dollars a week will not be noticed to much and could make a big difference in yours and someone elses life.

I am determined to be more faithful to my blog, my inspirations are my niece Nicci and my daughter Sherrie. Sherrie just got her book "The Power of a Penny" published and is so good to keep us posted on how she and the book are doing...........Love it. And my sweet Nicci, second grandchild, that is a ball a fire and part gypsie like her grandmother.... is far away from home going to graduate school in Indianna. I love to know all the fun and exciting things she is doing.

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