Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Experience - A Teacher

When troubles and trials are present
When disappointments are found all the way
Take courage and always keep trying--to believe
the good of each day.

Sorrow leaves gifts at it's station
Misfortunes great blessings disguise,
From trials is from joys we learn values,
By mistakes we are often made wise.

Experience is always a teacher,
whether problems, or gladness or pains.
Looking back through the years we shall all find,
Our striving has not been in vain.

These past few weeks I realize how lucky I am as I have talked to many of my dear friends. At our age so many health problems, children problems, job or money problems. I am so discouraged with what Obama is doing to our great country and what my generation is leaving for the grandchildren to pay for. But God has warned us! Our experiences of years can see it, but young, ambitious presidents............Sorry kids, I didn't vote for him.

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