Wednesday, March 18, 2020


I Hope the Chickens are not put in quanrtine........My kids have threntened my life if i leave the house....I hope the Coronisviris does not last too long......because I love eggs.....I love shopping but don't  like wearing gloves and face mask  and hunting which stores have eggs......
Things have been hectic for two weeks.....starting with DON'S stroke then the next weekend  Darren's dad and his cancer  was the long week for the kids..... Then Don gets lost.... and my blood pressure went up to 247 on a scare......poor kids.......I have had kids and DOGS  for two weeks....don't mind helping out but sooooo many.  I had  Macy and Taco (Sherrie's)....Bree  (Pam"s)...Big Red. Lola and two one week old puppies plus Lacy.....(Alex's)......Safeway Mike's).....and just as I thought we were through.....neighbor Honh brings over BEAU....WHO the hall and peed on two doors!!!!!
Maybe I am through with dogs......

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