Sunday, March 29, 2020


Today was National Fast Day for the LDS church,,,,,in desperation to help turn this Coronoviris around!!! I know God heard our prayers to help all the sick people around the world and keep the rest of us well......I know things happen for a reason.....but why?  Was Washington just getting out of hand....was the drug problem getting out of hand....Why God?  God has his way of taking care of things like this.....just read the scriptures.
It has been a loooong......weekend.  Lots of naps and lots of snacks and phone calls......and it looks like at least another month of no work, no school, or church,,,,,visiting neighbors.  Thankgoodness I have Brayden and Libby living with me....I really don't know what I would do.....sure do love them! It is a cloudy and cold day which does not help brighten the mood of things.
I am hoping for a  miracle I guess and it doesn;t  cost anything to HOPE.......

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