Saturday, March 14, 2020


This day I ask for strength to get well and carry on to the end....We have hit some hard times and are being tested....Why this coroniviris.,,,pandemonia.......?  Bless and be with Trumpt and all those who are sick and show us the way to a vacination ....and a country of peace once again.  You have tried to warn us....of these days.
Is it a gave us a smart doctor for a Phrophet?
That you have encouraged us to have a two year supply  of food on hand.....
That you put forth a religious plan...."Come follow me"....for us to study at  home  when the churches are families need to......We must show Satan he is not in charge....he is working very hard at this time....can't people see it?  
People are in a panic.....the store shelves are empty of food and medicine.....and many have died around the world......Where did it start.....and way everyone's question.....because the world has become so evil.....Nicci called today.....she and Bill are working from home...Pam's work canceled the rest of the month as is Libby's school.....our church, some schools, temples,sports..... functions of all kinds....... ''announced five cases in SLC" now.....
The Christenson's busy putting Bud's funeral together for Tuesday and cleaning out his house.
Guess it is time to get serious about my income tax!

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