Tuesday, March 10, 2020


I give tanks today for so much......I was able to see the doctor again and she has upped my medicine. Sunday morning started out good.....showered....church 2 hours....lunch and a nap.....woke up about one with a fierce head ache...ear.....eye etc.  Pam came and got me and we went to the emerency at the hospital...being sunday....not busy.....they took cat scan and an MRI but  not a stroke or heart attack....... but.my blood presure was 237 over something.  Kept me there till 9;00 and sent me home after it got down to 187....Tuesday........ and still up over 200 so went into the doctor and not wait till Friday.....Pam working and Sherrie and family in town because Darren's dad will probably go tonight or tomorrow....they all came today to say good-bye. So Karrie took me....sad we have to get sick to work things out...I have Ken and the dogs....don't know who will show up of dinner.  It is a nice sunny day and I did get a little nap.  All my sweet neighbors have been concerned......I don't do sick very well.

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