Sunday, March 22, 2020


Today my sweet Brayden conducted Sacrament Meeting for 10 people in my house.....the bishop ask him to do this........8 daring neighbors came at nine...dressed for church.....he blessed and passed the bread and water with the help of the neighbor.....a short and good meeting.....then he zipped off for Vernal for a few days....where Libby has been all week....he has two weeks off with pay.....we pray mightly for the safety of our families and self......I want to put up a sign on my front door.....
"Until further notice:    No one can stop by unannouncd!
We ain't sick....we just don't trust you around our toilet paper....."
In my life time......I have been through rationing.....but never lock-down!!!!  Where my kids threaten me if I leave the house.....oh well......suck it up cupcake.....this too will pass.
I feel this is going to be a ......long.....spring~and I know it is God's plan?????

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