Friday, March 13, 2020

SAD FRIDAY 13th.......

This is a sad day for these Christenson children ......They lost their Grandpa Bud......His cancer came on fast and hard and his pain was great....he tried to fight it....but as usual....cancer wins.  It is also Bud's youngest son.....Drew"s 50th they are all to dinner to celebrate and rejoice in the memoies of their father..... and grandpa.......Kenny has spent these last few days with me....I don't think he fully understands what has been taking place these last few days.
Alex, Ashlyn and Mike are coming to stay all night and two dogs.......I am tending Bree this weekend and have had two of Sherrie's dog......let the dogs in...let the dogs out????  They put Bud's dog "CODY" down and he will be buried at Bud's his casket.
I loved Bud for being good to my grandkids....We will miss you BUD.

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