Thursday, March 12, 2020


Well....the country is going through a rough time with this coronoviris flue scare.......So many have it and so many have died.....all over the world......and especially scary for people over 60.....ME.....I am just getting over the cancer thing....then go through a high blood pressure scare and now nothing on tv but closing down the country...schools, churches,  sports, shows on broadway, colleges,  LAS VEGAS, vacations and airlines.....shelves in stores empty of foods, medicines, tp and all paper goods.  We are America and we will survive.....only God has the ANSWER to how right now....but we have faith in God.....and he will take care of us........ALSO.....we are in the middle of a family crisis.....Darren's father has only days or hours and the family are on 24 hour watch.....we are all so sad......I loved that man......he was good to my grandkids. 
I talked to Les today and she had bought a freezer full of food for she and her kids.....I guess my family and I will go on >>>>"food stamps"......Maybe the spring and summer will shut the germ down soon.
88 coming up.....and this is the worst I have been through in all these years, 

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