Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Why is the world suddenly inundated with all these terrible hurricanes, fires, floods and a big earth quake in Mexico today......and we had a small one in Park City yesterday?????  Are we in the last days .....?  Maybe Maxine has the right idea, grab a drink and sit back and see what comes next......Been trying to get rested up from my big wedding weekend......Darren and Sherrie flew Ken and I home from Vernal Sunday night.....I was just too tired to drive three hours and I knew they were not up to three hours in and three hours back home......so Gigi and I consented to the flight.....and it was very nice....... 55 minutes.  Did make it to the store today, tomorrow coffee with some friends then Thursday the Mexican Train group at my house for lunch and game......and it is the weekend again.  Rained most the day and Fall is here.....two inches of snow at the ski resorts....Keeps me busy watching the hurricanes line up and head our way......Harvey, Irma, Jose, etc......they just keep coming this year.

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