Saturday, September 23, 2017


I wish I could get with this Family Tree thing......but do I really want to know or care what all those people were like before I came along?  I am proud of my kids for the time and effort they are putting into tracing all the weird relatives we once had.....and I am sure they will be rewarded for it.
I am more concerned in my old age about just keeping going.  Old age is like a bank account, you with draw from what you have put in     ...So my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in your bank account of memories.  I also want to thank many of you out there for your part of filling in my memory bank......I truly feel sorry for people who do not have a large bank account of good memories to draw from......I had a wonderful family and sisters and a brother that I loved very much, always good health and days and stewardess days.....three beautiful daughters who gave me 9 fun grandchildren to help raise......parties, school functions, vacations, weddings etc.My fun days of Concierge and my travels around the world.....Now in my old age I am still depositing many wonderful memories......BUT THERE WILL BE MOMENTS IN YOUR LIFE YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR!......And that is OK......Just suck it up cupcake and move on.

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