Monday, September 11, 2017


We have all been issued a passport  to life------One of God's gifts when we are born......My passport is one of my most treasured possessions.  It is rather small, has just a few pages, is usually blue or green......and has oh so much power!  It is like a magic carpet that allows you freedom to wander over vast areas......Even if you had a million dollars, without your passport you could not have this freedom.  I use it over and over and have renewed it many times.  It allows me to investigate our wonderful world and the treasures of people and new friendships.  Unbelievable scenery and magnificent structures.......or not.  It has opened my eyes to my many blessings of freedom, health and prosperity compared to many in the world around me.  These things I do not take as lightly as I use to......I love to turn through it's pages and slide back to the times I stood there while some stern looking official stamped a new countries name in it.   My sign of entry or exit into a new experience that never fails to add something that makes me a better me.  A new friendship, a few words of a new language, and introduction to a new food or custom.  New money and scenery.....Yes, I am part Gypsy!  And I cherish those little stamp marks I see on the pages as I leaf through, a diary without words........Just dates and memories.
It is not that I don't love my home, family, pet, neighbors and country......I do.  And, I can read about the the sunsets in Tahiti, Bali and the great feat of the Panama Canal, but I need to see them, feel them and hear their sounds for experience them and log them in with my own feelings and emotions.......Not the words or pictures from someone else's framework of life.  I realize that is enough for some people.....but not for me!  How can I be and " International Cultural Consultant"......if I don't check it all out?
If you do not have  passport.....get one.....and use it, use it, use it!
I hope I am not remembered as setting in a rocking chair on my front porch knitting,,,,,No, I want to be waving good-bye from a cruise ship on my way to another adventure.  (So far...... 6 of the 7 continents, all 50 states and about 120 countries of the world)......Wonder if I will need my passport in Heaven?

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