Sunday, September 3, 2017


                I guess Maxine doesn't live in TEXAS......I feel so bad for all those people who lost everything in the floods.....we are definitely living in the LAST DAYS when God is going to cleanse the earth of all its anger......this was a record breaking storm and they didn't even have an Ark to run to.  I have been watching it play out on TV for a week.......and wonder where all that water will end up...... we are just beginning Hurricane season and they are forecasting more out there......but hope we have had ours for the year.........AND how soon before North Korea sends their atom bomb to our shores......AND last night on National Geographic ....a real eye opener to the drug cartels all over America......I have been very lucky in my life to have lived in the happy go lucky years.....good America and worry for my grandchildren lives.

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