Friday, September 22, 2017


    This weekend looking a bit dull after last weekend.....Here I am with Libby and Mike Mendoza.....who sent me all these fun usual my cell phone was dead....Who is Mike?  An interesting story how he got into our family.....raised back night as he sat watching TV the police burst into his apartment and shot him 9 times.....(SORRY....wrong apartment).....30 days later when he came out of his coma......he had lost one eye and his body a mess.  He followed a girl friend to warmer country in Phoenix.....then on to Page......where she later committed suicide.....When he was at the bottom Darren's dad came to his rescue he was renting one of Bud's apartments.....made him manager and the fell in love with Sher, Dar and the boys and is now one of them.....He lives in Page and manages Darren and Bud's property and looks after their house boats.
      Had Domino group did clean up today....Ken is here for the weekend as his parents are busy, busy.....I think that big beautiful home with seven bedrooms and six baths, office, movie room, two kitchens etc. feels pretty lonesome now they are "empty nesters" they are jumping into their business and their Stake Church keep busy.  We will check the movies and no doubt hit Walmart.....Ken's favorite.
       The weather has definitely turned into Fall.....42 degrees when Ken left at eight this morning.  Pam in St. GEORGE  with neighbor for a girl's weekend.....Rob off to Idaho with the dogs to fish....I am at the point in life where I just want my family happy, my faith strong, my health good, my mind right, my dollar tight and NO extra drama!!!

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