Thursday, September 29, 2011

There are no other Me's

Yesterday was bridge day....and we were all lamenting getting older......and finally came to the conclusion that the major cause of aging is:....Birthdays! We voted to quite having them.

On the way up the canyon to Mae's house we took in the beautiful colored leaves, nature in full charge. This caused me to wonder what is nature's greatest miracle and I have decided I am nature's greatest miracle.....Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my hands, my hair, my mouth. None that came before, none that live today, and none that will come tomorrow will walk and talk and move and think exactly like me. All men are my brothers, yet I am different from each one. None can duplicate my brush strokes, none can make my chisel marks and non can duplicate my handwriting. I am a unique creature of God. I am rare, and there is value in all raity, therefore I am valuable. I am the end product of thousands of years of evolution: so I am better equipped in both mind and body than all the emperors and wise men who preceeded me. But, our skills, our minds, our hearts and our bodies will stagnate, and die unless we put them to good use. We have unlimited potential. We use only a small portion of our brains and flex only a small amount of our muscles. Yes, we are God's greatest miracles. We are not on this earth by chance. We are here for a purpose and the purpose is to grow into a mountain. Therefore, we should try to become the highest mountain of all. All our problems, discouragement, and heartaches are in truth, great opportunities in disguise. So realize how special and different you are and try for the biggest mountain you can become.

Monday, September 26, 2011


What's in a name? I just read my nieces blog and was inspired as usual by her testimony and love of God. She was talking about a book "21 Days Closer to Christ" how it had in spired her. Day two talked about the different names Jesus was called.....and about knowing the importance of your name, honoring it and being true to it. Be sure your name brings honor to yourself and your family always being able to know and be confident that when someone hears your name, they will have good thoughts of you and know you are a good person, respectable, honorable, dependable, charitable, sincere, faithful and all you can be.

I have always loved my name and been proud of it. Betty Marie Yeomans! Yeomans being English and rather noble sounding. My little sister called me Betty Ree when she started talking and I went through life being Betty Ree Yeomans. Little brother called me Bobo, but thank goodness it didn't stick, but the nickname Buttons did stick for many years. Through my years I was glad I wasn't Smith, Jones or Woods, but would you believe I married and become I am one of a million Betty Petersons! After my 30 years of marriage crashed I could have easily gone back to my wonderful name of Yeomans-----but didn't-----now 25 years later it is to late to bother. In my mind I will always be Betty Ree Yeomans and I hope leave good thoughts and a good picture of the person I have tried to be and made my family proud I carried their name. Worked in the yard and made a list a mile long of things that I must do before my trip in 10 days. Leslie called and I always love talking to her.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Want vs Need

Yesterday I went to a financial meeting by Merrill Lynch. The topic was "Want vs Need"-----geared for children and grandchildren.

In todays tough times we really have to think twice when it comes to spending our money. It's no fun questioning every cent we spend. Do we need this or do we just want this? Want is a very strong "urge". Oh, I want those shoes, that coat, that necklce. Do we need it--probably not---at home we have a closet full of shoes, a jewlery box full of necklaces and a dozen jackets and coats that would keep us warm. But, we are use to buying what we want--a bigger TV, a newer car or a bigger house. Thank goodness, I was born and raised in the days when there were no TVs, you drove your car until it quit and could no longer be repaired and you were thankful you had a home, whatever the size. My children have heard these stories and have been pretty good to look at "Need vs Want" --but I am afraid we need to do some re-educating on the next generation--my grandchildren. The world is becoming a real mess with money becoming scarce and hard to earn. They may have to learn the meaning of "Want vs Need" the hard way. It costs nothing to want but we need to rethink need or not need sometimes. The Cooks and the Christensons have been trading the first colds of Fall back and forth. Alex is hobbling around on crutches because of a sprained ankle. I am enjoying the 80degree days of Fall.

Want vs Need

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I love Autumn. It can be a season of letting go of anything in life that isn't beneficial. As the cold weather approaches and the leaves turn into a rainbow of colors we watch them drop to the ground one by one. The trees some how know when it is time to let go of them, sometimes the wind helps. Sometimes we get an early sn0w that helps and also trims the extra branches, this can become a metaphor about how important it is to rid your life of extra "leaves" that can make the winters of your life more difficult.

As I contemplate this scenero I need to think what I can let go of to prepare for my upcoming winter. I am committed to let go of excess---of too many things and too many commitments. I don't need to be asked "what part of NO don't you understand." 2. "Let go of the need to be right." My creed has been "I might not always be right......but I am never wrong", it doesn't always work. 3. "Let go of trying to look good. Growth require honesty and pain: it requires that I start from where I am and move upward." How can I quit dying my hair and always being on a diet???? This one is hard. 4. "Let go of comparisons. I am not inferior or superior to anyone else. I am running my own race, in process and en route. No one's path is the same as mine, so how can I compare?" 5. "Let go of regret for the past." I feel pretty good about this. 6. "Let go of the idea that life should be fair. It's not! I"m still dreaming of my castle in Spain. 7. "Let go of the need to be happy all the time." I have my good days and bad days and I fully realize I have control over this. 7. "Let go of criticizing, blaming or trying to change others." Being judmental is very limiting. I don't want to take responsibility for people and circumstances I can't control. I have alot of "leaves" to let go of and will start by just living one day at a time. A very quiet Sunday at my house.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Twenty years ago yesterday my last daughter was married. She was married in the Salt Lake Temple and we had a fun black and white reception at the University of Utah.

Being a single mother I was left with mixed emotions. So happy all my girls had found some one they loved and sad my home now felt very lonesome. I kept very busy traveling and volunteering and taking classes and looked forward to more grandchildren. Karrie and Richard soon started a family and the handsome football player at the right is their youngest grandchild. Last night he called to be sure I was going to his foot ball game today as it was grandparents day. I went and his team won. I was given this picture to wear around my neck so everyone would know whose grandparent I was. They had a nice little booth set up with treats for us. The weather cooperated and the black rain clouds went by without a storm. What a beautiful day and the perfect thing to do on a fall saturday afternoon. I am very proud of Scottie and we have a lot of good times together.

My son-in-law Robbie took off yesterday for Canada to goose hunt. I will probably be hearing from my daughter, Pam, to do something. Being alone isn't her favorite thing. I'm loving this beautiful fall weather and counting the days until I'm off to New York and the cruise with my family.........18 more days.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


"With admiration for the greatness of what you are building when no one sees".........

Four life changing Truths.....1. No one can tell for sure who built the wonderful churches and cathedrals etc. as we have no record of their names. 2. The workers gave their whole lives for a work they would never see finished. 3. They made great sacrifices and expected no credit. 4. Their passion was fueled by their faith that the eyes of God saw every thing.

God sees you every day and the sacrifices you make even though no one else around you does. No act of kindess you have done, no cup cake you have baked , no costume you have made, no child or pet you have tended, no cub scout meeting or room mother project goes unnoticed by God. You are building a cathedral, but you can't see right now what it will become. The every day routine of loving, caring for, sacrificing for and protecting your children and family, make you a builder of something every bit as great as a cathedral or church. You may or may not live to see the results of all your years of labor, but God is watching you every day. Your passion in this life's job should also be fueled by your faith you are doing God's will. So see yourself as a great builder. A person who may never see your finished product, but your name will be on it. One day the world may very well marvel at your cathedral never giving the invisible mother the credit for the patience, sacrifice, love and time you put in on each and every child we raise. But in our hearts we know that God knows of our works.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

WHY???? 7-11 Tenth Anniversary

GOD BLESS AMERICAN...Ten years ago today terrorists flew planes into each of the twin towers in New York and into the Capital building, the one headed for the White House was crashed in PA by the crew to save many and they have become heros for all of us.

A millions "whys" have been uttered in the past 10 years, and I have added mine many times. Why? What was God trying to tell us ----or show us? Was there some kind of lesson to be learned that day? I live by the creed...."Things happen for a reason.....just believe" and for the life of me I don't see any reason for that terrible act. The picture on the left was taken by someone a few days before the towers were destroyed and the light coming in between them make a cross. It was on the internet and I printed it off and have it framed so I never forget that day and the many lives that were lost. If the terrorists thought they could destroy American in any way, they failed, it only brought us together more. There has been a movie made called "Rebirth" some man follows five people over the past ten years and the rebuilding of their lives and the rebuilding the memorial that now stands where the towers once did. I look forward to seeing it. I did visit ground zero five years ago and am going back to New York in several weeks and look forwarded to seeing the new reflection pools that fill the holes that were once the towers.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Hey, all you grandmas out there I just ran across the perfect job for us and we are all trained and qualified....... We all know there is no substitute for a grandma, but a new placement agency comes close. Rent-A-Grandma screens women age 50 and older as caregivers for children and older adults. This new service was launched a year ago , the Los Angeles-based employment service is expanding nationwide. Assignments for workers, who average $14.00 to $18.00 hourly around LA include various jobs. Grandmas are good fillers for families while their nannies vacation or in-between hiring new ones. What a fun and interesting idea. As your grandchildren grow up (my nine are doing that too fast) and no one seems in a hurry to give you any great-grandchildren, you think.....Yes, to stay young and vigerous you need to keep interested in youth.........When all your friends are of the gereatric age and all they talk about is what ails them it can get pretty depressing. You are out there to help children discover all the wonders of the world and of themselves. I say come on grannies, lets get out there and help out where we can, no one now days have jobs for the "elderly." and unless you are over fifty you can't apply for this one......As for me, I intend to stay a young blogging, emailing, facebook, texting grannie till the end!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Awesome job...... I say thanks to the many people who make my life what it is! The people that keep my electricity, water, heat, TV, roads, shops etc., etc., etc. working.......just for me. I get up every morning expecting these people to make my day run as I wish, no, I am not happy when the water is turned off or the power goes down.... but some laborer is there to fix it for me. Before I go to sleep at night I feel I should ask myself some questions, (1) What have I given today? In what ways have I been a contributor? (2) What did I learn today? Did I learn a new word, did I listen instead of talking when someone was speaking? (3) How has today enhanced the quality of my life? How can I use today as an investment in my future? If I didn't say thank you enough, do some one a favor and call a friend to say hello then I didn't reach out or give anything. (4) What am I proud about in my life right now? Oh, so many things. The person I have become through trials, the wonderful family I am the patriarc of and the love they give me. (5) What am I grateful about in my life right now? To have been given almost 80 years of health, family and enough to eat and a warm home. (6) What am I enjoying most in my life right now? My family and friends..... So to the many wonderful people who contribute to this good life I have (especially all the wonerful service men who fight to keep us free) I say Happy Labor Day.....Awesome Job!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I feel I have come to a peaceful time in my life. But, we all go through the in and out of having peace in our life time. The world is definitely not the world I grew up in. For my children in their old age and my grandchildren in the future things don't look easy. Instead of moaning about what I don't have in life, I try to examine what I do have. Two good questions to ask yourself each morning.....(1) What am I happy about in my life right now? What about that makes me happy? How does that make me feel? (2) What am I excited about in my life right now? What about that makes me excited? How does that make me feel? Sometimes if I can't answer the question for instance of "What am I most happy about in my life right now?" I refrase it to be "What COULD I be most happy about in my life right now if I wanted to?" When I put "could be" in there it allows me to step back and examine my life from a different angle, and perhaps an answer. When I was born in 1932 American was just coming out of a terrible depression and grew itself into what we have become until the last three years or so, so I have great faith it "could" do it again with a new President! OMG - OMG -OMG!!!! Obama must go - Obama must go - Obama must go!!!! Now I feel better. Happy Labor Day weekend. All my kids are busy so quiet at my house. Christensons at Lake Powell, Panniers in St. George and Cooks at a friends cabin.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Love, love, love summer and quite enjoy Fall only problem I know what follows Fall. The older I get the less I enjoy winter, my artheritis complains constantly. But, I am feeling pangs of guilt when I think of how much I have to be thankful for. As of earth quakes, floods, sunami, hurricanes have washed away my little corner of the earth. I feel so sorry for the people on the East Coast that are being flooded away and homes lost or destroyed. "Irene" was a terrible storm for so many people. I have a roof over my head and enough to eat today. I think of this little poem called Dishwasher's Grace: Thank God for dirty dishes,They have a tale to tell. While other folks go hungry, we're eating very well. With home and health and happiness, we shouldn't want to fuss, for by this stack of evidence.....God's very good to us. I'll take the dirty dishes and not complain.

Today is a ball game with Annie cheering and Rich playing......proud gram.....It seems my calendar stays pretty busy and I love it. I read people's whose calendars are crammed with commitments are 60% more likely to live long, healthy lives than folks who struggle with boredom. Why? The brain and body are so intrically connected that boredom speeds the onset of serious illness. If my family doesn't die of exhaustion and lack of sleep they have potential to live forever. Labor Day around the corner!!!!!