Thursday, April 28, 2011


I can't believe this day 55 years ago I was one day ahead of William and Kate.......As this was the day way back then that was my magic day! Also Margaret Trueman and Grace Kelley were married this day 55 years ago. Grace is dead, I guess Margaret is still married, but after 30 years married here I am single for the past 25 years. As the world turns and we each have our own paths laid out for us to travel we can never know what tomorrow will bring. I loved my wedding day and most of the 30 years of marriage because of three wonderful daughters, but all of the fun and happiness has just continued on through the last 25 years, just without a mate. I do wish the royals a long and happy marriage and look forward to enjoying it on TV tomorrow. Weddings are fun and exciting and every girl should have, at least one, in their lives.......well hopefully just one! Nice today, but snow forecast for tomorrow. Saw "Water for Elephants" today, loved it. Lived through my bridge luncheon here yesterday and enjoyed a cute dance program last night that my third granddaughter was in. Four days till I'm off to Indiana with Pam's family for Nicci's graduation from graduate school. Then she will move to Minneapolis and go to work with General Mills, I am a proud grandmother!

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