Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This is my cute Nicci at her college graduation in Phoenix , Arizona where she graduated from ASU, now this is my third graduation ceremony for her, (went to her high school graduation).....she is graduating from graduate school. Keeping up with grandchildren isn't easy. I am very excited as I haven't been on an airplane for a couple of years and that is very unusual for me. Pam, Rob, Scott, Tiffany and I are all flying out this afternoon. Rob rented a cabin on the water near the school so it will be great fun. William is flying out Friday to join us as he had finals at the U to finish up first. Karrie is keeping my dog and Pam's and with her two dogs that will be a house full all week. It is cold and rainy today....at least not snow...... and Nicci said for us to bring our umbrellas and layer, so doesn't sound to promising on that end. Mike just called to get Lucille's address for his sons upcoming wedding, you know the one with them in their Halloween costumes and registering at Taco Bell! Karrie just got word Richie was accepted to go to the Philippines for two weeks with a youth group from Salt Lake to do charity work next spring, wow, such great goals my grandchildren have. Last summer Brayden went to Africa and built desks for a new school and the year before Alex went to Europe with the Young Ambassador Youth group. Guess they all have their grandmother's gypsies blood in them. Tiff has been to Europe and Nicci has a long list of travels, China, Australia, Iceland and soon off to Europe! Oh yes, I have to note how proud I am of Andrea, she just made cheerleader!

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