Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Left for Indianapolis, Indiana on the third of May and home the 8th for a great trip to watch my second granddaughter, Nicci, receive her MBA degree in Marketing. Rob had rented the perfect cabin to fit all of us.......Pam, Rob, Tiff, Scott, Nicci, Bill, Will and I. The whole fam-dam-ally. We took one day to hit the grocery store and get settled, then the celebrating began. We had Cinco de Mayo, Nicci's graduation, The Kentucky Derby, and Mother's Day. We did them all. The school is Kelley School of Business and is in Bloomington, IN and it was just turning spring and so pretty. We visited a winery, the fun shops in Browns close to the cabin and the campus in Bloomington. We ate, drank, played games, ate, watched TV, napped, ate and visited. It was definitely a perfect family reunion. Pam and I had left our dogs with the Cooks, which gave them four dogs for the week, but they survived. While I was gone Annie got a summer job as a life guard and Richie was accepted to go to the Philippines to do charity work for two weeks next March. Before Nicci heads for her job with General Mills in Minneapolis she is off to London and Turkey for a couple of weeks. My next to youngest grandson Kennedy started his scuba diving to become certified, he is just 13 and loves it. In three weeks Alex graduates from high school, my life is filled with good things!

1 comment:

Nicci said...

Thanks for coming gram! I'm so happy we got to celebrate together!