Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I did it.......yesterday I had cataract surgery, and as everyone who had already had it, and that was most of my friends, said "it was a piece of cake".

The worst part was the anticipation and the sitting around waiting to get it done. It only took about 15 minutes of actual surgery. Sherrie came in from Vernal and took me in. Then we chased around trying to find the three kinds of eye-drops I have to put in three times a day for the next few weeks. That seems to be the biggest pain. Sherrie taped that plastic eye guard on for me last night but, left me to do that myself tonight. I was happy to have Sherrie stay all night with me. She was up and off early this morning to get some chores done and get home to help Kennedy's school class. Her sweet sister Karrie arrived at 10:00 (with a cappuccino) , to take me in for the mandatory follow up check on the eye. I guess it takes a few days to settle in and get use to. With a cataract growing on the other eye I guess I will be repeating it all again before long. But I am thankful for the knowledge and the good doctors that can take care of these kinds of things, some countries aren't so lucky. One more day and the Opra Show ends, I will miss her great show. Tomorrow bridge and lunch and hopefully off to Vernal Thursday to celebrate Alex's graduation from High School. So many terrible tornadoes going on, my heart goes out to all those folks. Will the rain ever stop?

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