Friday, May 20, 2011


I have always been one to volunteer........I started with the Rape Crisis Center on the crisis line and as a public speaker and on the board of directors. I volunteered with ESP teaching English to foreigners, On the foster parent board. I worked at the Food Bank filling boxes etc. I helped with the Junior Miss projects in Utah. In every instance I have learned something. I guess my most interesting volunteer job was as an "Information Specialist" at the Salt Palace. It was once or twice a week and we greeted tourist and visitors to in the city helping them enjoy our city. I learned so much about our great state and it was fun to pass it on. I worked with fun people like Tom and Ken, but we just never got use to the wonderful "Yellow vests" that were our uniform. We had great fun during the 2002 Winter Olympics with the city full of people.

Aristotle taught that success is a habit. We are what we repeatedly do; therefore, excellence is not merely an act, but a habit." We need to practice a Daily Success Regimen. In the morning prayer or meditation sets the program for the day. Then some mental stimulation, Newspaper and morning news on TV of the day, lets you know what is going on all over the world. Then many people (of which I am not one) have a morning exercise habit! Self worth, self esteem and confidence are core to a successful life, be careful not to become your own worst enemy. Find time to acknowledge, affirm and declare to your self some of the good, great and best things about yourself. Use the great I AM ( I Am defined God in the olden days) I am healthy, I am honest, I am enough, I am worthy and deserving and what ever it is you feel in your heart. Do get in the habit of shaping your day with conscious creation of your own ritual. The above makes you want to reach out and share yourself with those in need, volunteering makes you a better person.

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