Saturday, May 21, 2011


I am afraid we all take our eyesight for granite. We look, but do we see? Day after tomorrow I am going in for cataract surgery and must admit I am a little nervous. Everyone I talk to that have been through it says "Oh, its a piece of cake." We shall see. Sherrie is coming in from Vernal to take me in and hold my hand, such a brave mother. It has made me stop and think we should appreciate nature more. The trick is a really notice the beauty that is often in our own backyards. We often miss the close-up beauty of life because of both our pace of living and our life style. How many times have you missed a beautiful sunrise, sunset, rainbow or ice crystals? Oh they come and go and there will be more........maybe. Life is very uncertain? There is something nurturing about nature, something soul-satisfying and basic, that we are inclined to miss when we spend most of our time indoors or in a car. At 79 I am keenly aware of my time limitations----I am what is considered a "short-timer" because I know my days are numbered. I'd like to think perhaps I had another 10 years, but who knows. So I have started doing the things I enjoy and want to (to heck with the dusting), playing the piano, having fun with my children and grandchildren and friends. I also have been looking at my grandchildren more closely, and perhaps they are the most marvelous part of "nature" and the most enjoyable. each child is unique, and "discovering" them is such an adventure. They help me laugh at the sheer joy of being alive. I don't want to come to my end and say, "I wish I'd really got to know my grandchildren and spent more time with them." I am enjoying my life and I am thankful for the beautiful things I see each day and for the good doctors that keep me doing that until the end. Karrie and Andrea helped me clean out the garage today!

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