Saturday, May 14, 2011


Wind chimes have a long and varied history. Their development spans cultures, continents and uses. The wind chime can trace its lineage back almost 5000 years. The first were primitive constructions of bones, shells and wood, thought to ward off evil spirits. In Indonesia they were used to scare off birds in fields. The Chinese hung them in their temples, pagoda and caves to repel demons and evil. They spread from China to the western world in the 1800's. The practice of feng-shui helped to spread the knowledge that they have a calming and balancing influence in a home. The soothing tones echo the music of the breeze and bring a relaxed meditative feeling to an environment; creating a place of peace and balance.

I began giving wind chimes as gifts a long time ago to friends, now I want to give all my family members one. I am amazed at the scope of their beauty. I love the glass ones, the metal ones make great music and the latest Red Neck ones are quite entertaining! With each one I enclose a little note telling them: The same wind that blows over my house.....also blows over yours. When you hear the little wind chime know that the breeze brings my love and thoughts of you. And for the ones I give my family members I add: AND after I am gone and through the years, the wind chime will continue from up above to bring my love and quiet your fears. So it is a gift that continues your connections with people long after you are gone or no matter where in the world that little chime ends up. My second graddaughter just got her MBA, I gave Nicci a wind chime with my note and I have no doubt that little wind chime is in for a lot of traveling with that little gal................... So if you ever need a "Forever Gift" for anyone, why not a pretty wind chime?

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