Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I am 79 years old and have received many wedding invitations in my day but I swear these modern day wedding invites don't do much for me! When I received this invitation from my nephew's son I thought I had been invited to a Halloween party. I have no idea why the rabbit heads other than they are both into doing plays. I am not sure they even wanted to be close to each other or recognized. There is no love or tenderness or caring shown, maybe holding hands connects you. On the other side was the announcement of the reception. It listed his parents as Lauren (his mother), Mike and Andrea ( his father and wife) and Sheri and Rob Holcombe ( the people he lives with?) Now I have known him since he was born how did the Holcombes become his parents????? Well that is not all it listed they were registered at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond AND Taco Bell! I guess I am just old fashion, but I really hope registering for a wedding is not getting down to McDonalds, Wendy's and Taco Bell...............I did get invited to the luncheon and wedding in the Holcombes backyard and the best part of the wedding was getting to spend the day with my sweet sister. She has lost so much weight and looks great. I have finally recovered from my fun trip to Indiana, but so tired of rain every day. I gave in to buying flowers but only have my front pots planted because of rain every day. Richie and Scottie cleaned my back deck and got out the patio furniture, yeah! Sherrie popped in today on her way to Speech Therapy Class for Kennedy, I do get lonesome for her family.

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