Sunday, April 24, 2011


A beautiful sunny Easter Sunday........what more could we wish for? I am off to my oldest daughter's for Easter dinner. Karrie's family, Tiff and Scott will be there. Sherrie's family is in Mexico and I can't help but be a little jealous because Mexico is my favorite place and I have so many fun memories of fun times there. Leslie is in the hospital with pneumonia and won't have a very fun prayers are with her. I made a "Peep" bouquet to take to the party, it brings back all the fun Easters when my girls were young. I made dozens of Easter dresses, as a new dress was a must. Then baskets full of goodies and the forever Easter egg hunt in the house where you always forgot where you hid all the eggs and one turned up a few weeks later when you were cleaning behind furniture. It is cold today and the poor flowers are trying so hard to open up. A few of our trees are in bloom but they said we have had rain and cold weather 16 our of 21 days in May, not the usually balmy spring weather. I have my bridge party at my house Wednesday and then the 3rd of may I am off to Indiana to see my second grandchild graduate from graduate school. I am ready for a trip! I hope everyone has a nice day.

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