Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Happy Birthday Sherrie and Karrie.............43 years ago you made me the happiest mother in the world. Pam and I waited 11 years to have a little sister, but God surprised us with two little sisters. You have been so much fun and filled my life with so much happiness. The same, but different and so fun to watch you grow up to such wonderful women. Good wives, wonderful mothers and daughters to be proud of. I thank you for the six wonderful grandchildren you have given me.......(mostly boys, but that is o.k.) So many people have loved you through the years and still do, I'm only sorry your father wasn't more concerned. You give so much to those who are close to you. Your combined talents work well together and have helped make you the fun people you are. I thank you for not letting me become a crotchety old lady. Keeping me young and moving, fun purses, jewelry and clothes. Then we move into the cell phone, texting, kindle, computer, face book, blog and email. Yes, as I have said often, "I belong to a very exclusive club......'The Mother's of Twins Club', where God picks the members." Always stay sweet and love God. Your Mom loves you.

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