Tuesday, April 19, 2011


How do I feel about getting a year older today? I feel very loved! So many, many people have reached out to wish me happy 79th birthday. I feel so lucky to have had so many years with lots of people I love around me. Many people fight getting older and can't accept old age. I hope I am accepting it gracefully. Don't stress about not having that teenage body you use to......I am not a teenager any more and everyone knows it! Lots of grandmothers need to lose 20 pounds. If you are blessed enough to grow old, which is a wonderful way to look at adding birthdays, expect and accept the things going on in your life . Think of the people you knew that won't be so privileged, there is so much wisdom to be gained from people who are celebrating the process with vibrancy and vigor and grace. Don't deny your age. Denial leads to delusion, own who and what you are and step into the fullness of a great life. I do believe that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but, we are responsible for who we become. So today I celebrate my many years. My face book was full of Happy Birthday messages from my extended family of nieces and their children, daughters, granddaughters, even a couple of cruise lines sent me cards........I wonder why???The Christensons surprised me with two dozen red roses, I got two gift cards from a niece and her family. The twins and I birthdayed last week when Sherrie was in town so I have lots of fun things to wear and a new suitcase for my upcoming trip. Lots of phone calls and pretty cards and tonight the Panniers are taking me to dinner so how is getting old affecting me? I'm just looking forward to the next birthday already!

A birth certificate shows that we were born,

A death certificate shows that we died,

Pictures show that we have lived...................

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