Sunday, April 17, 2011


I love Bagley's cartoon on "April weather" in Salt Lake true in 5 minutes you can see it all. It seems to go on and on and every day is different. Some mornings you get up and it is cloudy and rainy, but by evening the sun is out and it has warmed up. Some mornings you get up and it is sunny and warm but by noon it clouds up and rains or suck it up cupcake and enjoy, it's April in Utah! Busy weekend, I am baby sitting Izzy and Marley while the Cooks are are in California for spring break. Yesterday went to the Ballet with Pam and Tiffany. Bolero, with Chaconne and Sinfonietta, it was a fun afternoon. THEN the excitement of the weekend was the news my granddaughter Annie made cheer leading, she had been working very hard and we all were on pins and needles. It is so wonderful when your children and grandchildren succeed in things. Cheer leading runs in our family. I was a cheer leader as were all three of my little sisters. One of my daughters was a cheer leader and now a granddaughter, Yes! Busy week ahead, coffee with dear friend Cleon and bridge at Pat Noall's. Then my birthday on Wednesday and dinner with the kids. I need to clean house for Easter Dinner and bridge at my house on Wednesday.......soooo it's all good.

Do you realize: Life is the way you audition for God?

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