Thursday, April 21, 2011


My Birthday has come and gone and was so much fun. One of my favorite gifts was a fragrance set called "GRACE." Written on the the containers was some fun messages called Philosophy and if I write it down then I will always have it, even after I have used up all the wonderful smells and thrown away the containers. #1. "Philosophy: how you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain, and, so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson, in the end, it all comes down to one word, grace. It's how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, the darkness and the light." #2.'Philosophy: life is a classroom, we are both student and teacher. Each day is a test, and each day we receive a passing or failing grade in one particular subject......Grace. Grace is compassion, gratitude,surrender, faith, forgiveness, good manners, reverence and the list goes on. It's something money can't buy and credentials rarely produce, being the smartest, the prettiest the most talented, the richest or even the poorest can't help. Being a humble person can, and being a helpful person can guide you through your days with grace and gratitude." I like that word grace and just these wonderful items will contribute to me attaining it..................

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