Thursday, April 14, 2011


This is my favorite party group. Yesterday we met for lunch to celebrate Sherrie and Karrie's birthday day and mine for next week. The girls will be out of town for Spring break for mine so we worked it in with theirs. Pam and Tiff worked us in on their lunch break from work, we missed Nicci and Annie but maybe next time. What a lucky person I am to have so many fun people to go to lunch with. They really spoil me. This week my mood has been less than upbeat. Maybe it is the is snowing again this morning. About every other day all month we have had rain and snow. Maybe it is because I have a pretty big birthday coming up next week. I keep reading all these things to brighten your day and feel more optimistic about life so I am working on some of them........research reveals that doing five nice things in a day .....from leaving a bigger tip than usual to holding the door for the shopper behind you......enhances your frame of mind for an entire week! And doing all these good deeds within 24 hours packs a bigger Punch of uplifting self-esteem than doing them out over several days. Isn't that interesting? Instead of saying "Fine" when someone asks how you are say "great". Brain scans show that when the eyes sees something pink, it triggers the brain to release the feel-good chemical serotonin, so you literally feel "in the pink"! I didn't know that.......maybe I need to go shopping for something pink, like maybe a bouquet of pink roses..........if it ever stops snowing!

1 comment:

Tiffany (Pannier) Hortin said...

Love you Gram! It was a great lunch and we need to do it again! :)