Friday, December 31, 2021


As we count down the hours till a new year is upon us.....we are thankful for our blessings and do hope 2022.....see's a better year for most people.....
Many have found big changes in their life this past year.....deaths....bad babies .....job changes etc........and being alone as children grow up and establish their own lives and families and move away.....I like this...."Being with no better than being with the wrong one.....Sometimes, those who fly alone...are ones with the astrongest wings".....
Had a great Christmas Holiday.....Family parties....neighbors in and out....and feeling fair.  My grandkids are so fun...thanks girls for these 9 wonderful people you gave me......
Bree and I have just been hibernating all week....snow and cold is winter here. Have not seen Patty for weeks....just the neighbors mostly as the Cooks are in Hawaii...Panniers off to St. George and the the Rose Bowl game....and Sher in Vernal.
Last night Brayden took me to dinner and stayed all night....He was to  pickup Libby at the airport at 7...but her flight was cancelled and she was stuck in Denver..... Bray was Off this morning at 4 a m to get to work in the snow storm.....our skiers are happy.
Guess I will start taking Christmas down HAPPY NEW  YEAR TO ALL.......


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