Thursday, December 16, 2021


Hope I am still alive when Darren's and Don's KARMA sets in!
For some reason this month is half over and I have negleted my blog terribly.....The days all seem the same ......however..... yesterday we got a snow storm of snow storms...18 inches at my house....thank goodness for wonderful neighbors.....they dug me out.....where were my kids?  I am finally realizing that grandparents are only for Birthday and Christmas presents.....or baby sitting when they are thankful for neighbors!
Pam is in Seattle with her cute Tucker for a few days before I have Bree. Tucker can really sing jingle bells. Leslie said her granddaughter's Tesa's third little boy who is three has been watching the GRINCHS...who stole Christmas...And decided he would be the Grinch,,,,he undrecorated the tree and hid all the stuff in the closet???? He is also one of those who gets kicked out of day care regularly...don't you love kids at Christmas????
Been five days since I left my nice warm afraid I will fall.......


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