Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Any more.....I just live on a day by day schedule....if you are not are in trouble!....I have a calendar and I make sure I write my day by day things to do......since 2020 and the panderic I have to admit I have gone down hill "a bit"..... when you stay home and no one but neighbors knock at your door...many days at noon I am not showerd and dressed and they are understanding.....WHY?.....I have become a walking meme about daytime and nightime PJ'S and elastic waistbands....You have a doctor aappointment....wash and dry your put on real clothes and make suddenly feel more motivated than you have in a while....What we wear really can influence how we feel and is called....."enclothed cognition"..... and studies show  that wear certain outfits may help us focus  and feel more confidence.....I know that feeling.....when I was young I remember the fun times my mother sewed me a new dress for the first day of school.....Easter dress.....or Christmas dress.....It always made me feel I was the best of the best.....and through the years,,,,,I still feel good when I have put the effort into dressing the best I can......My Grandma always said....."You never get a second chance to make a first impression"....


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