Thursday, December 16, 2021


This is our prankster in the family.....Alex my cute number two grandson.......He and Ashlyn are expecting their first baby.....So glad when last month they called and let me know....they were having a boy!.....every one was happy about the baby.didn't care boy or girl...Well I zip out and buy three blue presents for excited!  Well one month later....after the checkup yesterday....Ashlyn called laughing....grandma .....they made a mistake.....we are having a GIRL!
Well, I hope she has blue eyes to match my clothes.....BUT I now can shop some more for a little girl! Sherrie is now adding girls to her family .....which she loves.
Jim called me awhile nice when your little brother cares and keeps in talk to my sister about every other day or great-grand kids...Leslie has 15 great-grandkids and I will have six!

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