Saturday, December 25, 2021


Well, it has been a busy week before Christmas....I am so greatful for my wonderful family....neighbors.....and friends.  Every year of your life is two Christmases are the change, the kids change and the world changes.....
Last Monday my cute and youngest grandchild....Scotty and I went to lunch and then to see a movie...SPIDERMAN.....what a special day with him.....not many 20 year olds are willing to take their almost 90 year old grandmother.....anywhere! I am so lucky.....
All week the neighbors were in and out.....with Chrisstmas gifts and Holiday wishes. Then Thursday  had a family party at the COOKS....All my grand kids were there but Nicci and Richie and four of my great-grandkids were there.....lucky gram. Karrie had the Olive Gardens cater and we all pitched in with drinks, desert and snacks.  It is so fun now days with the cute little ones.  Sherrie, Ken, Alex and Ashlyn stayed all night with me....Then off to Denny's for breakfast next morning....Christmas Eve I went to the Pannier's for dinner and happy Robbie could be home with us and Aaron kept us all entertained.  Today...Christmas..all three girls called and my sister and I am going to the neighbors for for dinner.....MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU ALL...


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