Sunday, January 2, 2022

HAPPY NEW YEARS....a day late!

Gone are the days when celebrating New Years was a big deal.....a new dress, a late reservation at a nice restrauant....and I was usually alone with the group of friends....Don always flying!  This year I managed to stay awake until ten and the ball dropped in New York...what a difference a few years makes .......But welcome 2022 and I know it will be better than more cancer or divorces and illness cured in all of us....a new baby to look forward to and Sherrie's business success.  We are having a very cold and snowy holiday....but need the water.
Was so happy to have Brayden stay all night and take me to dinner last Thursday,,,,as Libby got her flight cancelled in Denver....and he had to get up at 3:30 to head to his job at the ski resort.....
start blasting for avalances.....I have had Bree all week while Panniers went to Rose Bowl game....and Ashlyn ask me to tend Lexie next week while she and Alex go on a weeks cruise with Sherrie and Ken... become the family dog sitter.....Alex and Ashlyn stayed all night with me last night and  helped put the Christmas tree down.......Sher and Ken came by this morning...they had stayed all night with Brayden but wanted to leave one car and the dog took Uber to the many flights being cancelled because of pilot shortage ....the viris....and bad weather....glad My flying days are over......Rob flew back to Detroit from LA and Pam called she was in St. George and would be home tomorrow......Haven't heard if the Cooks got home from Hawaii or not......OH...HAPPY NEEW YEAR!


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