Saturday, January 29, 2022


February is almost up on us.....the end of another week and the end of another month.....that is how our life passes.  My sweet second sister was born in February....she is gone and we all miss her.....she promised when she died she would drop pennies for us to know she was with us....and so often and just when we need it.....a penny turns up...and we alays know "aunt Jo" is with us.
Been a long week....Cleaned my house Monday for the cleaning ladies....they cleaned my house Tuesday for the cleaning ladies! Wednesday Sherrie brought Olivia over for a visit....cutting teeth and would have nothing to do with me.....So cute and growing so fast....8 months now.
Thursday....Pam and I off to lunch and shop for me a new rug.....I got sick at home for a nap....don't know why it happened and fine Friday Pam took me to AT check out the a cute one and Pam put it down for me.....done with my Spring house cleaning now! Now here we are to a very quiet weekend ....cold but sunny and 40 degrees.


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