Wednesday, January 19, 2022


Life is so much easier when you are positive!
In a NLP seminar I took a while back....I learned to "REFRAME" a problem...that is if you feel negative about some thing and it is up setting you.....try thinking about it positively.....and see how much better you feel.......Reframe your helps......  even a flat pancake has two sides.
My Christmas present from the Panniers came today......A monitor to wear in case I fall...the kids worry with me living alone now.....and approching the big 90......number!  It is water proof.....has a neck button and a wrist one so you can charge the neck one.  A lock for the front door to put your key in for emergency entering if you cannot open for perimedics.....I do not want to fall and break something......Pam set it all up for me....and even brought lunch from Cafe Rio.....


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