Saturday, January 29, 2022


If only you carry one thing through out your entire life......LET IT BE HOPE!

Let it be Hope that better things are always ahead.....Let it be Hope that you can get through the toughest of times....Let it be Hope that you can be stronger than any challenge that comes your way.....Let it be Hope that you are exactly where you are meant to be right now.....and you are on the path to where you are meant to be.....Because, during thses times , Hope will be the very thing that carries you through....

The world is in such a mess.....Biden is no president...and the vice president...she is even a bigger nothing!  War with Russia is gettng closer....the covid pandemic not slowing down....higher gas, food, and living costs rising every on off....masks on....masks off.   Killing policemen every punishment! I bet GOD is unhappy and I am just going with the Hope he has a plan for us....because our poor children and grandchildren don't have much to look forward to........I am greatful for all I have......and Hope the big scare on my face eventually heals.......HOPE......Yes, Hope is necssary to get us through life.

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