Sunday, February 20, 2022


Been two weeks since I put fingers to computer to write of my daily boring and dull I don't think anyone would be intersted.....January and February are my two less favorite months in a year.....and I am about to survive 20th of February.....with 8 more days till March....and daffodils start popping out....So little snow this winter.....
Last week I kept Ken and the two dogs while Sherrie, Karrie and Kim went off to FLORIDA for a girls trip.  Ken and I kept busy shopping.....eating out....went to a movie and watching TV.....he is such a help when here......the dogs were good...(since here....Sher had to put Macy down...we are all sad).....had two days alone and now I have Bree for 12 days.....while Pam visits Nicci and Bill to play with Tucker.....grandchildren are great! Quiet week ahead.

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