Sunday, February 20, 2022


I love, love, love my home....I am safe and warm and have the greatest neighbors....Hahn brings me food several times a week....takes out my garbage......shovels my driveway when it snows....and unloads heavy food when I shop.  Suzanne gets my mail lots, Gay and Ivan call regularly.....along with a couple of other great neighbors.  I have found...."God doesn't put you where you want to be always.....He puts where you need to be."
Watched the winter olympics off and on and proud of the I guess Putin is starting a war in Europe...wonder what Mickey Mouse Biden plans to do?  
My face is trying to heal a little......but hate the scar....I am thankful for the good people who give up a lot to be a doctor....or nurse....and take care of the rest of us.  I see where Queen Elizabeth has the viris and is coming up 96......I try very hard to wash my hands and wear my mask when I go out....the viris picks on all of one is safe.
Suppose to snow tomorrow.....we will see?


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