Tuesday, February 22, 2022


So much love and so many hours of fun with our "hairy".....family through the years.....but this past year has seen so many pass on.  This is the Pannier's white lab named HENRY FORD...a rescue dog.....they had to put him done awhile back....Tiffany's family had to put their dog CAPTAIIN.....down a couple of months ago....old age.  Alex ad Ashlyn lost their little LEXIE last month...she got sick ......they took her to the vet.....she died a couple of hours later.....they were not sure why....Ashlyn had traded her couch to a neighbor for her and she became a favorite of all of us.....Last week Sherrie had to put MACY down.....old age.
Thru the years we have lost....STORMY DOG.....CHAUSER....and MR MAXX and GIGI.
Cooks lost two of my favorite dogs MARLEY ad IZZYY.  today they have two golden retrievers.....Richie has two dogs and Annie has two dogs.....Sherrie still has BONZI and ALEX still has BIG RED....NELLY and the new puppy to replace LEXIE...named MILLIE.......Nicci and Bill have OLLIE.....William has ASPEN and A gorkey....I don't remember it's name. and Pam still has Bree....who is part mine as I tend her lots.....so you can see the Petersons are dog people! You might say we have gone to the dogs........


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