Saturday, February 26, 2022


The time since the pandemic has changed our lives in many ways.....I think different....and act different.....and feel different!  My family has insisted I stay home more...wear a mask....and wash my hands constanly.....ok....I can and have done this and so far not caught any of the weird stuff going around...Oh yes, two shots....a booster.....and a flu shot....But all this and being alone so much more has turned me into hermit.....with no interests in "retail therapy"...... the love of my life....visiting with people.....or just getting dressed up and one day turns into the  next and are long.
I need to follow this little saying:
Don't worry about yesterday........
Don't stress abou tomorrow.........
Just live in today....and be greatful
for all you have......
This seems to be a guide to making your hours matter more......Do what makes you with those you enjoy and take a nap when you feel like!  My family and neighbors are what keep me getting up every day.....I am grateful for my home and health at almost sad about Russia attacking Ucrain and my heart goes out to the great people tonight......


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