Sunday, January 2, 2022


I hope to start out this new year and be the best of the best!  Kind...good...patient...helpful...understanding... forgiving and I have asked God to help me......I am at the point in life.....when I realize I need help in many areas.....but so thankful I can still live alone and drive myself to doctor appointments and the store.....and church.  I have wonderful family and neighbors that help take care of me.....I am so grateful for so much.....and the opportunity to reach 90 wonderful years...almost.
Have a busy week....two Dr. appointments, hair cut, dog tending and putting Christmas away....New resolution......keep up with my blog better than I was doing......clean closets, and be more positive as I watch Biden take our country down to hell.....I realize God is still in charge....and "it is what it is"......


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