Wednesday, January 19, 2022


Alex and Ashlyn's precious little Lexie died suddenly...she was absolutely their baby dog.....they never went anywhere without her.....they could take her......Two weeks ago they did leave her with me while they went on a cruise........I enjoyed her so  much. We are all so sad for them.
Pam asked me today if I would teach her and her pickle ball ladies how to play bridge,,,,hope I remember it...I miss bridge and the fun friends I had for so many years....but just not up to it now days.
I am still bandageing my face does not hurt.....but looks awful.....Poor Karrie was having the scare lasiered on on cheek and ended up being alergic to the medicine and swoll up like a ballon....she is so sick!.....I feel so bad for her.....My family has really had it's share lately.....


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