Tuesday, October 13, 2015


No one can tell you this......you just have to realize it.......Just talked to Sherrie and Richie B had driven home with Alex today from Salt Lake to go fishing with Alex......his cousin who is 10 months older and they grew up together......Rich is suppose to be tending Karrie's dogs while she is in France and I thought he was in school.....but I also see a darling picture of him "sky diving".......which his mother would never approve....BUT WHILE THE CATS AWAY THE MICE WILL PLAY.......I adore this kid and I say go for it while your young.......someday he will be a church authority.....I promise.
"It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until your READY......I have the feeling now that actually no one is ever ready......to do anything.  There is almost no such thing as  READY...... There  is only now.....and you may as well do it now.....Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any......"  You are never ready to buy that first house, or have that first child....or second one....you are never ready for that first cruise or trip to Europe......but you only have one life and there is no "do overs".....so don't wait until you are sorry you thought you had to wait until you were READY......that will never happen!

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