Saturday, October 3, 2015


I will keep trying to be the best of the best......but some days it doesn't work.  My knee is bothering me again, may be the change in the weather so it has been a quiet weekend.  I did watch Conference for awhile and I am glad we got three new men to replace the three that have died since last conference.  The talk I liked best was about being a mother once you are, you will always be and there is nothing you can do about it but love the ones that you born......I am having a struggle hanging in there with the one that doesn't seem to want me to be in her life.   I can't remember who the speaker was but I felt he was talking to me........
"You may be tested to the limits, but never allow the lines of communication to be cut between you and your child.  Isolation sabotages any relationship, and you can't let that happen with your child.  If she stops talking, be patient an keep talking.....Keep the doors open and don't give up when you feel as though you're talking to a brick wall.  Holding back your love when you are frustrated will not solve anything.   Loving strength and support will make an impact, even when you think it won't.....How you respond to difficult times will influence whether the test runs into a pattern in your child's life".........A little something I ran into today that seem to fit the occasion.

1 comment:

Team Tausinga said...

Hang in there Aunt Betty.... I have no idea what's going on, but I do know that there are some strong, stubborn personalities in those Yeoman's women and their daughters, and we come by it honestly... :)
I pray that you can get things mended.... I know that a few years ago when my mom and I had some struggles, those were the hardest days of my life, but we were both so stubborn... Love ya and we will keep you and your family in our prayers...